Saturday, September 28, 2013

Intro and First Moon Landing

The purpose of this blog will be a platform to share some of my beliefs and views. Those may not be in line with the propaganda out there or the same as the misinformation that is accepted as facts. For the most part they are food for thought and points for discussion.

The subject of this initial post revolves around the production of the first moon landing. Years ago when my Grandpa passed away my cousin asked if I knew Grandpa thought the moon landing was faked. I laughed and said I hadn't. At the time I never considered it but now believe it has merit.

I believe the first moon landing was faked. The deadline that President Kennedy had placed on the United States to reach the moon by the end of the decade was fast approaching. The technology wasn't in place yet to make it a reality and to save face in the world view a decision was made make it appear the United States space program hit their goal. 

The astronauts donned their equipment in an isolated desert location as a film and camera crew documented their supposed space adventure. The biggest giveaway is the flag blowing in the wind. Of course we know there is no wind on the moon. There were also lighting issues in some pictures. It was an impressive display but the imperfections gave them away.

I do believe that the United States was able to actually get to the moon on later missions. The technology caught up with their ambition and the United States space program started in its infancy. Many great advancements have come out of the program and a continued eye on the sky plays a huge factor in our future. 

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